Toby and Pye, Lino Block Edition

I've been playing with a new method of image-making (new to me, anyway): linoleum block printing. Collage offers classes on the subject every other month or so, and after taking one, I was addicted. There is something kind of magical in producing an image by hand that can then be hand-printed on a variety of surfaces. Also, the printing ink has a slightly different quality on the paper than anything I've ever used before.

This was the first lino block I carved: a portrait of our cats, Toby and Pye. Stripey Toby is chasing after Pye and probably going to stick his face right under her tail. I don't get the cats doing that; I thought that was more of a dog thing. She hates it, but then, they are not exactly friends.

The class itself was marvelously fun: good supplies, clear instruction, friendly encouragement. Collage's upcoming classes are here.

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